Course Updates

by | Nov 20, 2022

Introductory Course – 2022

Boot Camp

Following the Open House, Partners in Skills hosts a introductory course, just like in 2020.  The 80 individuals that have made it this far in the application process will now go through the Partners in Skills screening to determine if they are a good fit for the Data Science course.

Our Third Cohort

Succeeding the boot camp, Partners in Skills selects 40 women to join the third cohort. These women have all displayed superior skills and will now have intensive training for one year. These women will also receive stipends every month for their living expenses, enabling them access to quality education.

Specialty Tracks

In addition to the core curricula of Data Science, Data Engineering and Data Analysis, Partners in Skills is now also offering specialty tracks. After core training participants will be able to continue another for another semester in either Full Stack Development, Dev Ops, QA Automation or Advanced AI. This will provide a surge in their knowledge, provide a specialty niche for them in the workforce and increase their earning potential.

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